검색 팝업창


    The 126th TESOL Students Pre-Interveiw (January, 2023)
    작성일 2023-01-02 작성자 조회수 9,148

    각오 한마디!

    In order to teach someone in English, in addition to English proficiency,
    knowledge of education is also required, and through his program,
    I will do my best to learn a lot. I am very grateful for the opportunity to attend this program. Thank 

    각오 한마디!

    I will complete WVCTESOL program within 5 weeks.

    각오 한마디!

    I want to participate in the program diligently without being lazy and obtain a certificate in a short time.
    To do this, I will develop a habit of thoroughly preparing and reviewing and organizing what I have learned.

    각오 한마디!

    I'll do my best to successfully achieve the certificate.

    각오 한마디!

    I want to complete the WVCTESOL progame quickly. I will do my best:)

    각오 한마디!

    I hope to get a license as soon as possible. 

    각오 한마디!

    I like English and I want to learn more professionally to teach children. I promise to work hard at it.